
Showing posts from August, 2019
How Climate Change Is Destroying The World? Climate change is one of the biggest crisis, which the human race is facing. It is the term for the shift in the worldwide weather phenomena which is the direct consequence of global warming. Even after using the  best air purifier  people living in the most polluted places around the globe are breathing the worst polluted air in human history. Global warming was discovered by Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist, and physician in the 19th century. According to his theory carbon dioxide has an impact on the climatic patterns around the world. After this awareness that human activities are influencing climate and causing anthropogenic effects (climate changes), scientists started experimenting and researches to find ways to solve this problem. Then in the first half of the 20th-century scientists believed (or hoped) that oceans absorb most of the human-race emission and maintain
How To Keep Your Kids Safe From Sex Trafficking And Abduction? 32 Billion Dollars- That is the estimated revenue of human trafficking in the world. A large chunk of these are vulnerable children. Human Traffickers have launched a full-scale hunt on children. Pedophiles and child porn Industry which are flourishing like never before (thanks to the cheap and easy internet) has added fuel to the child abduction and trafficking. Children are an easy target for these predators and traffickers as they are naïve and vulnerable. Children can be easily manipulated and lured. The social media has become the favorite hunting ground for these monstrous predators. Often when you are carefree and playing some golf shots with your  best golf balls , your child would have become the next target of the traffickers. They often target the child in a troubled family or which are emotionally week. They befriend them in the context of being their boyfriend or even a caring father figure and of