Why Carbon Monoxide Detector Is Essential For Your Home?

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and tasteless flammable toxic gas that is resealed during incomplete combustion of carbon. It is the second most common cause of non-medical poisoning death around the globe. Over 438 people die, annually in the US from carbon monoxide poisoning and thousands of people need urgent medical treatment. Instead of these growing statics and government encouraging laws people underestimate the requirement of the Carbon monoxide detector. People willingly buy the best golf clubs or best fishing rods for their hobbies but not invest in carbon monoxide detectors which can save them from an unfortunate incident of carbon monoxide poisoning.
In this article we will come across topics like sources of CO, medical effects of CO, need of CO detector, installation, and maintenance of CO detector.

Appliances That Emits Carbon Monoxide

Any devices or appliances that burn or produce heat energy with fuels like wood, gas, oil, propane or diesel, emits carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide’s resources, such as furnaces, generators, and gas heaters, are commonly used in every household and can put your family at risk easily.
Here are some examples of carbon monoxide’s sources that are very common in every household.
  • Oil and gas furnaces
  • Motor vehicles
  • Stove/Gas range
  • Gas line leaks
  • Gas water heaters
  • Generators
  • Space heaters
  • Automobiles
  • Charcoal grills
  • Fireplaces and woodstoves
  • Boilers
  • Space heaters
  • Furnaces

Medical Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

CO can be fatal when inhaled. Since CO is odorless and colorless, it is also known as the silent killer. The fact is that carbon monoxide cannot be detected by human himself. When CO is inhaled by a person, it clings the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin and converts it into carboxyhemoglobin. After this reaction hemoglobin is no longer available to carry oxygen and slowly the oxygen from red blood cells gets replaced with carbon monoxide which results in some severe medical conditions or even to death if the exposure is for hours.
The symptoms are mild at first, but quickly turn out to be more severe and end up making permanent brain damage. Here are some symptoms that occur when you are exposed to CO (.i.e. is under 200 PPM) for 2-3 hours.
  • Mild headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Fainting

Why Carbon Monoxide Detector Is Essential?

As we all know that carbon monoxide’s sources are commonly used in our houses and their improper use or malfunctioning may lead to some unfortunate. We can minimize the exposure of CO gas by regular maintenance of all the appliances but still, there is a high rate of sudden failures that may lead to some life-threatening incidents. To avoid such sudden failures installation of a carbon monoxide detector is a must.

Installation And Maintenance Of CO Detector

Carbon monoxide detectors are easily available in two models- plug-in and hard-wired. The ideal model will the combination of both plug-in and hard-wired. Plug-ins have an easy installation method, all you have to do is insert a fresh pair of batteries and plug the unit at an outlet that does not have any obstruction ( like furniture, drapes, etc). Whereas, hard-wired models need some pro electrician skill and understanding.
Here are some recommendation for ideal results:-
  1. Do not install detectors in high- humid areas, or also install the best humidifier for an accurate result.
  2. The temperature of the hall or room where you want to install detectors should have a ranging of 40 Fahrenheit to 100 Fahrenheit.
  3. Install the unit within the 20 feet of combustion appliances.
  4. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s recommendation before installing, as some give the best results below the level of 5 feet from floor while other on or near the ceiling.
  5. Clean each unit of the detectors with the best vacuum cleaner or clean brush monthly.
  6. Periodic replacement of batteries (within 6 months).
  7. Replace each detector before they hit their expiry date (.i.e. is mostly 4-5 years).
  8. Install the detectors that provide the level of CO gas present in the room so you can take action accordingly.


CO kills silently without giving warning or any leaving any trace. As I told you the fact that we cannot detect CO leakage on ourselves. So to have a healthy and secure environment for our family, the installation of the carbon monoxide detector is a must. Follow the manufacturer’s installation recommendation and do maintenance for the ideal result.


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